Case Studies




The Problem 

A large healthcare provider with hundreds of locations wanted to increase Patient conversion and Provider engagement. The client had specific goals to re-engage their passive and inactive patients, increase brand awareness via newsletters, sent appointment reminders to reduce visit cancellations and further wanted to enable automated notifications to facilities to better serve their Patients. The Client also wanted to have a streamlined communication process with the Providers.

The solution

Developed a Patient journey map to understand the various touch points the Patient has with the business and identified key areas of engagement with the Patient. Created a program roadmap with crawl, walk, jog and run phases. Developed Journeys in Salesforce Marketing Cloud using Journey Builder and created automated reporting and data loads using Automation Studio. Developer dashboards and reports for insights, trends, conversion rate, open rate and other engagement metrics. The Client was able to increase Patient and Provider engagement with timely notification by leveraging Salesforce Marketing Cloud Journey Builder and personalized email content. The Client was able to segment users based on demographic data, geo and other attributes and review marketing insights in near real time using Marketing Cloud engagement data.


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