Case Studies


Enhancing Customer Engagement for a Fortune 500 Warranty Company 

A Fortune 500 Warranty company recognized the need to build a robust Know Your Customer (KYC) database to elevate marketing strategies, optimize call center spending, and improve overall customer retention. The challenge lay in consolidating customer data scattered across multiple sources, including Salesforce for call center information, NetSuite for payment and invoicing, Marketing Cloud for marketing automation, and 3rd party databases for vehicle purchase history and affiliate data. 

The challenge was to create a unified KYC database from disparate data sources, enabling a comprehensive view of customer records for enhanced marketing, call center efficiency, and improved customer retention. 

A comprehensive solution was implemented to address the challenges: 

  • Azure SQL Server KYC Database: Created a KYC database in Azure SQL Server with a unified schema for syncing customer records from multiple sources. 

  • ETL Transformation with Informatica: Established transformation jobs in Informatica for initial Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) processes and daily data synchronization, ensuring data accuracy and consistency.

  • Machine Learning Models: Developed machine learning models to predict customer churn and score incoming calls, maximizing call center efficiency. 

Business Outcome 
The outcomes of this initiative were impactful: 

  • Improved Customer Engagement: The client witnessed improved customer engagement, thanks to a holistic view of customer data from various sources. 

  • Reduced Customer Retention: By leveraging machine learning models, the company reduced customer churn, enhancing overall retention rates. 

  • Cost Accountability: The client gained the ability to account for every dollar spent on customer acquisition, calculating the cost per sale with precision. 

  • Near Real-Time Dashboards: Delivered near real-time dashboards for quick and informed decision-making, providing actionable insights for marketing and call center strategies. 

Tools Used



Programming language for statistical computing


CRM platform for call center data management

Azure ML

Cloud-based machine learning platform

Power BI

Business analytics tool for data visualization

Azure SQL Server

Relational database management system for KYC database


Cloud-based suite for payment and invoicing


Marketing automation platform for campaign management

Data Factory

Cloud-based data integration service for ETL


Data integration and ETL tool for data synchronization

The implementation of a unified KYC database significantly improved customer engagement and retention for the Fortune 500 Warranty company. Leveraging machine learning models and integrated tools such as Power BI and Informatica, the client achieved better cost accountability and delivered real-time insights for informed decision-making. The initiative showcased the potential for enhanced marketing strategies and improved call center efficiency in a highly competitive industry. 


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