Social Commerce is Estimated to Grow Three Times Faster Than Traditional Commerce
Social commerce is estimated to grow three times faster than traditional commerce and this is the future of online retail. By 2025, it is predicted to double its figure by a $1.2 trillion market worldwide. In 2021, globally the percentage of people who prefer to purchase products in a Livestream event increased by 76%. All the social media platforms are planning to meet this growing demand for social commerce. Even Twitter has announced a new Twitter Shops feature that allows brands to showcase up to 50 products on their profiles.
As per the new MediaRadar report, in 2021, Peloton has spent $294 million on advertising across all platforms and a 300% YOY increase. But in 2022, the fitness company's ad strategy has changed and invested 22% to $47 million in Q1. The video remained the largest investment segment for the brand, where 64% directed to TV and 30% toward digital.
At present, every business has been facing a big marketing challenge was to deliver exceptional service to their customers, as their needs always keep on changing. In recent studies, it is revealed that 35% of marketing professionals stated that delivering outstanding customer experiences is the major marketing challenge and 36% say they are willing to adapt to the new circumstances when raised.
Twitter has seen a sudden decline in the US users, which is pulled down by 0.5%, hitting 57.5 million when compared to the prior year 57.8 million. Despite the user’s decline, Twitter's US ad revenue ramp up by 23.8% to hit $3.01 billion in 2022 and as a share of social network ad spending it would make up 4.0% this year. The user worldwide is still rising and will grow 1.5% to 368.1 million users.
As per eMarketers predicts, in the U.S, Instagram and Facebook platforms have been facing diverging futures. While Instagram's user base would rise by 4.0% this year to hit 128.3 million, on the other hand, Facebook's would decline by 0.8% to 178.3 million. By 2026, Facebook user figures would remain at 177.6 million users whereas Instagram's total users are still behind Facebook with 148.1 million people.