Global VR Headset Market Saw Growth by 241.6% in 2022
As per IDC, in Q1 the global VR headset market has seen a growth of 241.6% in 2022 with this Meta has earned 90% of the market with its Quest headsets. These Quest 2 devices are available in the US and Canada only. Meta Quest 2 headsets price starts at $299 which is the cost of entry-level smartphones.
May 2022 Salesforce report stated that 9 in 10 respondents want to receive personalized offers based on their interests and browsing plans. 73% of respondents expect companies to understand their unique needs, expectations and 62% say companies should predict their needs and 56% expect to receive offers that are personalized.
This year, the consumers in the US and Canada are expected to decrease their total time spent on consuming media whereas time spent on digital formats is likely to ramp up. The time spent with radio and print continuously falls down, and TV shows remain the same in losses. The time spent on social media has increased to 75 minutes.
Omnicom Media Group (OMG) is partnered with Walmart Connect and the company saw growth in its commerce and brand consulting segment of 13.8% and as well as risen its organic revenue growth YOY in the first quarter of 2022. The Walmart’s global advertising business rose 30% YOY in the recent quarter as the company scaled up Walmart Connect.
The study by Razorfish revealed that Gen Z and millennial travelers want to find challenges and taking risks during their travel. 14% of respondents feel that they need to be pampered on their trip, 75% say trips are valuable and don’t cost more but 40% are willing to invest more in traveling as it is a memorable experience. 43% want to get out of their comfort zones while traveling, 39% are searching for risk and excitement, 64% of Gen Z chasing for thrill and 42% want the trip to be more challenging.